Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creatively Inclined

It's nice to be creatively inclined. It's even nicer to have people to share it with. My husband made me something I couldn't have even conceptualized. It's a shelf for those beading trays (you know the ones that have openings to hold the beads you're working with and the lines for the strands for necklaces). It's pretty nifty.

Here it is with weight on it, in my messy craft corner. Excuse the mess, I do have a 5 week old and haven't gotten around to cleaning my corner. <3

Here's the finished product. This way, I can design multiple necklaces and/or bracelets at once. How cool is that?? Thanks hubby. ;)

In other news, we went to visit my sister in law in San Antonio a couple of weekends ago. It was a wonderful visit and everyone got to meet Caegon. She is letting us use her cradle for him and it's just BEAUTIFUL.

Here's his first nap in the cradle. <3

Keep reading! There's always more to come.

Monday, February 15, 2010

More Snow Adventures

Last week was full of excitement. There were lots of ups and downs, but what's the good without the bad anyway? I got all my beads in and I'm all set to get creating. I'm currently in cleaning mode, so I can create without feeling guilty. I got some laundry done, some dishes done and working on getting some boxes out of the living room. We also got to go to San Antonio and see my sister- & brother-in-law. The snow we got was beautiful. We ended up getting six inches. NOT what we expected at all. 

Kaleb got to help daddy roll the base of the snowman!! He had a BLAST in the snow!

Okay, so it turned out to be a snowwoman because we needed a scarf and I had the only one available. <3 (Thanks Brittany!!) 

The snow was so beautiful. It would have been nice to come inside to a warm house when we were done playing in the snow, but the power was out for over 12 hours. Luckily enough, the snow on the road melted enough for us to leave for San Antonio.

It'll be nice to be able to settle down at my table and take some time out of the day to create. I've got everything organized, just got to have room to make things. I got to see my other sister-in-law's workspace. She's got a great space and I can't wait to see what other stuff she comes up with.

More blogs to come! <3

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So much for living in Texas for warmth, lol. It's snowed ALL DAY today. It was actually quite pleasant. Kaleb - my 3 year old - had a BLAST today playing in the snow. We also took the new addition out for a "ride" in the snow. He wasn't as pleased lol.

Here are me and the little ones. <3

Snowball fight!!

Yayyy snowman. Yes, it's tiny. LOL. They just used what they could.
This was only 2 hours after the snow started this morning.

You can kind of see the flakes streaking by as we were on our way home. Those are the biggest flakes I've seen before. How pathetic is that? lol.

In other news, I got my new beads in last night and was up very late organizing then and sorting the old and new beads in my organizers. It was a fun experience. I can't wait to really dig into them. I've got some pictures and will share soon! <3

Keep watching for more!
oX Stephanie Xo

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


One thing that is completely new to me is designing jewelry. Okay, well, it's ALL new to me. I got these great beads for Christmas from a friend and it took me until mid January to figure out what to make with them.
I made a necklace and a bracelet with them for her.

Ahhh just LOOK at those pictures. I'm looking at a long and happy relationship with my new camera. It's a Sony Cybershot DSC-H20 and it's a beautiful, beautiful piece of equipment. I'm so glad I invested my money into it. I look forward to getting some fabrics to make a more professional backdrop for my jewelry and start posting on Etsy.

In other news, I have new beads coming my way this week. I certainly cannot wait. I've got another project saved up for when they come. My sister in law sent me a pendant while I was on bed rest in December. I want to make a necklace out of it so that I can wear it. She's got some brilliant items in her store. http://www.etsy.com/shop/brighteyedbirdie She is so creative. I look forward to having someone to share creativity with.

So, keep looking for more to come. There will be lots more where this post came from!

With faith and love <3