I've got beads, I've got displays, I've got fabric and a few things to sell.... But now it's time to make lots and lots of other things to sell and put a price on it. Then, I'll have to do even more... We'll actually have to go to AlleyFest and put my name/face out there. Am I frickin crazy??? As if I already didn't have a taste of social anxiety.
In just a couple of short weeks, we will be setting up for a booth in public for cryin out loud lol. I'm having a hard time getting things together and taking the time to start making things. Caegon is at such a fun age.... This is the time that mothers need to take it slow and really enjoy what a baby has to offer.. So why did I decide on an impulse to waste some of this precious time with him?
Matt said... When is AlleyFest anyway
I said.... First weekend of June.. Deadline to enter hasn't passed yet.
He said... We should enter a booth
I said... That would be pretty cool
....and now I'm kicking myself in the rear. I'm no where near ready. I don't really have the time to get ready for this. And seeing as they've already accepted my booth fee and there are no refunds after May 7th, I guess we're doing this thing.
Ready or not... Here we come Alleyfest!
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Don't worry. I'm sure it will go great. I'm excited for you. I've been dying to do a craft fair but the start up money to pay up front is waaaay too much for me right now. Have fun making all your goodies! :D
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